















1 结晶岩石学与岩石圈演化

2 矿物岩石的化学与物理性质及其形成过程

3 岩石圈组成结构及其动力学与区域成矿背景


郑建平,学科首席教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、国家自然科学基金委学科评审组成员、国家基金委创新群体骨干成员,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,入选国家百千万人才工程并获有突出贡献中青年专家荣誉称号。分别于198519881997年获武汉地质学院(后改太阳集团网址首页登录) 矿物岩石学学士、硕士和博士学位,于1988年留校任教员,199620002003年先后被评为副教授、教授和博士生导师。是或曾是地球化学副主编,中国科学(地球科学)、科学通报、岩石学报、Journal of Earth Science (地球科学)、地学前缘、岩石矿物学杂志、矿物岩石地球化学通报和Journal of Open Mineralogy等刊物编委,香港大学地球科学系荣誉教授、澳大利亚Macquarie大学荣誉研究员,Stanford大学和Michigan大学访问学者、Rice大学高级访问学者,香港大学中-英交流学者,IUGG中国委员会IAVCEI分委会成员,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会副理事长、地球内部化学与火山作用专业委员会副主任委员、地幔矿物岩石地球化学专业委员会副主任委员、侯德封奖评审委员会委员,中国地质学会大陆地壳-地幔研究分会委员,中国灾害防御学会第五届火山专业委员会委员,中国科学院矿物学与矿床学重点实验室学术委员会委员。先后培养近30名研究生(7名获湖北省优秀学位论文奖)。

  1. 主要学术贡献

围绕岩石圈演化、壳-幔系统岩石学及其动力学过程研究的总方向, 在国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目,国家杰出青年科学基金项目,国家973项目课题等支持下,紧密结合火山岩深钻技术和大陆科学钻探工程取样,进行了中国大陆岩石圈组成、结构及其动力学过程和成矿背景的研究。突出贡献包括: 1)提出了华北东部中、新生代岩石圈减薄的蘑菇云状地幔置换作用模型;2)在华北南缘发现了目前所知世上最古老(≥36亿年)的大陆下地壳麻粒岩包体;3)论证了扬子大陆元古代地质体下广泛受改造的太古代基底存在事实;4)提供了扬子深俯冲地壳物质对华北岩石圈地幔强烈相互作用的实证。成果对大陆生长演化机制和区域成矿作用背景研究有重要意义,发表包括Geology等在内论文190余篇,其中SCI论文160多篇, SCI论文引用近5000余次, 出版专著5(主编1), 入选地球科学领域高被引科学家名录。获国家自然科学二等奖1项(排第二)、省部级科技奖励一等奖2项(均排第一)、二等奖2项(排第一和第五)和侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖、黄汲清青年科学技术奖、银锤奖等,并入选教育部级优秀人才计划和湖北省高层次人才工程等。

  1. 主要论著如下:

01) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Lu F.X., Wang C.Y., Zhang M., Wang F.Z., Li H.M., 2004. 3.6 Ga lower crust in central China: New evidence on the assembly of the North China Craton. Geology, 32, 229-232.

02) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Zhang M., Pearson N.J.2006. Widespread Archean basement beneath the Yangtze Craton. Geology, 34, 417-420.

03) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y, Yang J.S., 2006. A refractory mantle protolith in younger continental crust, east-central China: Age and composition of zircon in the Sulu UHP peridotite. Geology, 34, 705-708.

04) Zheng J.P., Lee C.T., Lu J.G., Zhao J.H., Wu Y.B., Xia B., Li X.Y., Zhang J.F., Liu Y.S., 2015. Refertilization-driven destabilization of subcontinental mantle and the importance of initial lithospheric thickness for the fate of continents. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 409(2): 225~231

05) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Zhang M., Pearson N.J., 2006. Zircons in mantle xenoliths record the Triassic Yangtze -North China continental collision. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 247130-142

06) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Hu B.Q., Zhang M., Pearson N.J., 2008. Continental collision/accretion and modification recorded in the deep lithosphere of central China. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.269, 496-506.

07) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Yu C.M., Zhang H.F., Pearson N.J., Zhang M., 2007. Mechanism and timing of lithospheric modification and replacement beneath the eastern North China Craton: Peridotitic xenoliths from the 100 Ma Fuxin basalts and a regional synthesis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 5203–5225

08) Zheng J.P., Sun M., Zhou M.F., Paul R., 2005. Trace elemental and PGE geochemical constraints of peridotitic xenoliths on lithospheric evolution of the North China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta69, 3401-3418

09) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Li R.S., O’Reilly S.Y., Tang H.Y., Liu G.L., Zhao J.H., Yu C.M., Su Y.P., 2011. Highly evolved Archean basement beneath the western Cathaysia block, South China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta75242-255.

10) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., 2006. Mineral chemistry of peridotites from Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithosphere: constraints on mantle evolution beneath eastern China. J. Petrology 47, 2233-2256

11) Zheng J.P., Tang H.Y., Xiong Q., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Pearson N.J., Zhao J.H., Wu Y.B., Zhang J.F., Liu Y.S., 2014. Linking continental deep subduction with destruction of a cratonic margin: strongly reworked North China SCLM intruded in the Triassic Sulu UHP belt. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.167, 1028.

12) Zheng J.P., Griffin W L., 2004. U-Pb and Hf- Isotope of zircons in mafic xenoliths from Fuxian kimberlites: evolution of the lower crust beneath the North China Craton. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.,148, 79-103.

13) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L, O’Reilly S.Y, Zhang M., Pearson N.J., Luo Z.H., 2006. The lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern Tianshan area, NW China. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.,151, 457-479.

14) Zheng J.P., Zhang R.Y, Griffin W.L., 2005. Heterogeneous and metasomatised mantle recorded by trace elements in minerals of the Donghai garnet peridotites, Sulu UHP terrane, China. Chem. Geol.221, 243-259.

15) Zheng J.P., Sun M., Griffin W.L., Zhou M.F., Zhao G.C., Robinson P., Tang H.Y., Zhang Z.H., 2008. Age and geochemistry of contrasting peridotite types in the Dabie UHP belt, eastern China: Petrogenetic and geodynamic implications. Chem. Geol. 247, 282-304.

16) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Qi L., OReilly S.Y., Sun M., Zheng S., Pearson N., Gao J.F., Yu C.M., Su Y.P., Tang H.Y., Liu Q.S., Wu X.L., 2009. Age and composition of granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths in Hannuoba basalts reflect Paleogene underplating beneath the North China Craton. Chem. Geol.264, 266-280.

17) Zheng J.P., Griffin W. L., Sun M., O’Reilly S.Y., Zhang H.F., 2010. Tectonic affinity of the West Qinling terrane (central China): North China or Yangtze? Tectonics, doi:10.1029 /2008TC002428

18) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Zhang M., Liou J.G., 2006. Granulite xenoliths and their zircons, Tuoyun, NW China: Insights into southwestern Tianshan lower crust. Precambrian Res,.145, 159-181.

19) Zheng J.P., O’Reilly S.Y., Griffin W.L., Lu F.X., Zhang M., 2001. Relics of the Archean mantle beneath eastern part of the North China block and its significance in lithospheric evolution. Lithos, 57, 43-66.

20) Zheng J.P., O’Reilly S.Y., Griffin W.L., Lu F.X., 2004. Nature and evolution of Mesozoic-Cenozoic mantle beneath the Cathaysia block, SE China. Lithos, 74: 41-65.

21) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Zhao J.H., Wu Y.B., Liu G.L., Pearson N., 2009. Neoarchean (2.7-2.8 Ga) accretion beneath the North China Craton: U-Pb age, trace elements and Hf isotopes of zircons in diamondiferous kimberlites. Lithos, 112, 188-202.

22) Zheng J.P., Ma Q., Griffin W.L., Xiong Q, O’Reilly S.Y., Tang H.Y., Zhao J.H., Yu C.M., Su Y.P., 2012. Accretion and reworking beneath the North China Craton. Lithos, 149, 61-78.

23) Zheng J.P., Sun M., Lu F.X., 2003, Mesozoic lower crustal xenoliths and their significance in lithospheric evolution beneath the Sino-Korean Craton. Tectonophysics, 361: 37-60.

24) Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Liou J.G., Zhang R.Y., Lu F.X., 2005. Late Mesozoic-Eocene mantle replacement beneath the eastern North China Craton: evidences from the Paleozoic and Cenozoic peridotite xenoliths. Int. Geol. Rev., 47, 457-472.

25) Zheng J.P., O’Reilly S.Y., Griffin W.L., Lu F.X., Zhang M., 1998. Nature and Evolution of Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath Shandong Peninsula North China Platform. Int. Geol. Rev., 40, 471-499.

26) 郑建平, 2009,不同时空背景幔源物质对比与华北深部岩石圈破坏和增生过程. 科学通报 541990-2007. [Zheng J.P., 2009. Comparison of mantle-derived matierals from different spatiotemporal settings: Implications for destructive and accretional processes of the North China Craton. Chinese Sci Bull 54, 3397-3416.]

27)郑建平, 戴宏坤. 2018. 西太平洋板片俯冲与后撤引起华北东部地幔置换并导致陆内盆-山耦合. 中国科学: 地球科学, 48, doi: 10.1360/N072017-00222. [Zheng J P, Dai H K. 2018. Subduction and retreating of the western Pacific plate resulted in lithospheric mantle replacement and coupled basin-mountain respond in the North China Craton. Science China Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9166-8.]

28)郑建平, 路凤香, 余淳梅, 汤华云, 汉诺坝玄武岩中麻粒岩捕虏体锆石Hf同位素, U-Pb定年和微量元素研究:华北下地壳早期演化的记录, 科学通报, 49(2004), 375-383. [Zheng J.P*, Lu F.X., Yu C.M., Tang H.Y., An in situ zircon Hf isotopic, U-Pb age and trace element study of banded granulite xenolith from Hannuoba basalt: Tracking the early evolution of the lower crust in the North China Craton, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(2004), 277-285.]

29) 郑建平, 余淳梅, 路凤香, 李惠民, 辽宁金伯利岩变基性岩石捕虏体地球化学及锆石年代学:示踪华北下地壳早期演化, 中国科学(地球科学), 34(2004), 412-422. [Zheng J.P*, Yu C.M., Lu F.X., Li H.M., Zircon geochronology and geochemistry, of mafic xenoliths from Liaoning kimberlites: Track the early evolution of the lower crust, North China Craton, SCIENCE CHINA (Earth Science), 47(2004), 961-972.]

30) 郑建平, 张瑞生, 余淳梅, 汤华云, 张沛, 冀东-辽西玄武岩二长岩包体锆石U-Pb定年、Hf同位素和微量元素:示踪燕辽地区169Ma107Ma的热事件, 中国科学(地球科学), 34(2004), 32-44. [Zheng J.P*, Zhang R.S., Yu C.M., Tang H.Y., Zhang P., In situ zircon Hf isotopic, U-Pb age and trace element study of monzonite xenoliths from Pingquan and Fuxin basalts: Tracking the thermal events of 169 Ma and 107 Ma in Yanliao area, Science China (Earth Science), 47(2004), 39-52.]

31) 郑建平, 路凤香, 郭晖, 任迎新, 金刚石中的流体包裹体的研究, 科学通报, 39(1994), 253-253. [Zheng J.P., Lu F.X., Guo H., Ren Y.X., Study of fluid inclusions in diamonds, Chinese Science Bulletin, 39(1994) 670-670.]

32) 郑建平, 路凤香, O'Reilly S.Y., Griffin W.L., 张明, 华北东部地幔改造作用和置换作用:单斜辉石激光探针研究, 中国科学(D), 30(2000), 373-382.

33) 郑建平, 1999,《中国东部地幔置换作用与中新生代岩石圈减薄》,武汉:太阳集团网址首页登录出版社,P.126

34) Wang Q.Y., Zheng J. P., Pan Y. M., 2014. Archean crustal evolution in the southeastern North China Craton: New data from the Huoqiu Complex. Precambrian Research 255, 295-315.

35) Yu C.M., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., 2007. In situ Re-Os isotope ages of sulfides in Hannuoba peridotitic xenoliths: Significance for the frequently-occurring mantle events beneath the North China Block. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(20), 2847-2853

36) Tang H.Y., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O′Reilly S.Y., Yu C.M., Pearson N.J., Ping X.Q., Xia B., Yang H.B., 2015. Complex evolution of the lower crust beneath the southeastern North China Craton: The Junan xenoliths and xenocrysts: Reply. Lithos, 234-235, 96-99.

37) Tang H.Y., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O′Reilly S.Y., Yu C.M., Pearson N.J., Ping X.Q., Xia B., Yang H.B., 2014. Complex evolution of the lower crust beneath the southeastern North China Craton: The Junan xenoliths and xenocrysts. Lithos, 206-207, 113-126.

38) Tang H.Y., Zheng J.P., Yu C.M., Ping X.Q., Ren H.W., 2014. Multistage crust-mantle interactions during the destruction of the North China Craton: Age and composition of the Early Cretaceous intrusions in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Lithos, 190-191, 52-70.

39) Tang H.Y., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Su Y.P., Yu C.M., Ren H.W., 2012. Complex Precambrian crustal evolution beneath the northeastern Yangtze Craton reflected by zircons from Mesozoic volcanic rocks of the Fanchang basin, Anhui Province. Precambrian Research, 220-221, 91-106.

40) Tang H.Y., Zheng J.P., Yu C.M., 2009. Age and composition of the Rushan intrusive complex in the northern Sulu orogen, eastern China: Petrogenesis and lithospheric mantle evolution. Geological Magazine, 146(2): 199-215

41) Tang H.Y., Zheng J.P., Chen H.H., Ye X.R., 2007. Helium and Argon isotopes of the Tertiary basic igneous rocks from Shandong Peninsula and implications for the magma origin. Science in China (Series D), 50(7): 1021-1032

42) Tang H.Y., Matsumoto T., Zheng J.P., Czuppon G., Yu C.M., Miyakawa C., Ping X.Q., 2014. Heterogeneous lithospheric mantle metasomatism in the eastern North China Craton: He-Ar isotopes in peridotite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 80, 185-196.

43) Su Y.P., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., 2017. Geochronology and geochemistry of deep-seated crustal xenoliths in the northern North China Craton: Implications for the evolution and structure of the lower crust. Lithos 292, 1-14

44) Su Y.P., Zheng J.P., Wei Y., 2015. Deep-seated crustal xenoliths record multiple Paleoproterozoic tectonothermal events in the northern North China Craton. Precambrian Res., 270, 318-333.

45) Su Y.P., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Zhao Y.L., Wei Y., Huang Y., 2014. Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope of gneissic rocks from the Huai’an Complex: Implications for crustal accretion and tectonic evolution in the northern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Res., 255, 335-354.

46) Su Y.P., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Zhao J.H., OReilly S.Y., Tang H.Y., Ping X.Q., Xiong Q., 2013. Petrogenesis and geochronology of Cretaceous adakitic, I- and A-type granitoids in the NE Yangtze block: Constraints on the eastern subsurface boundary between the North and South China blocks. Lithos, 175: 333-350.

47) Su Y.P., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Zhao J.H., Tang H.Y., Ma Q., Lin X.Y., 2012. Geochemistry and geochronology of Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the eastern Junggar terrane, NW China: Implication for a tectonic transition. Gondwana Res.,22, 1009-1029.

48) Xiong Q., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., 2014. Pyroxenite Dykes in Orogenic Peridotite from North Qaidam (NE Tibet, China) Track Metasomatism and Segregation in the Mantle Wedge. J. Petrology 55(12), 2347-2376.

49) Xiong Q., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Pearson N.J., 2012. Decoupling of U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes and trace elements in zircon from the UHP North Qaidam orogen, NE Tibet (China): Tracing the deep subduction of continental blocks. Lithos, 155, 125-145.

50) Xiong Q., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y., Zhao J.H., 2011. Zircons in the Shenglikou ultrahigh-pressure garnet peridotite massif and its country rocks from the North Qaidam terrane (westernChina): Meso-Neoproterozoic crust–mantle coupling and early Paleozoic convergent plate-margin processes. Precambrian Res., 187, 33-57.

51) Xiong Q., Zheng J.P., Yu C.M., 2009. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope of Quanyishang A-type granite in Yichang: signification for the Yangtze continental cratonization in Paleoproterozoic. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(3), 436-446

52) Xiong Q., Griffin W.L., Zheng J.P., Pearson N.J., O’Reilly S.Y., 2017. Two-layered oceanic lithospheric mantle in a Tibetan ophiolite produced by episodic subduction of Tethyan slabs. Geochemistry Geophysical Geosystems, 18(3), 1189-1213

53) Xiong Q, Griffin W L, Zheng J P, O’Reilly S.Y., Pearson N.J., Xu B., Belousova E.A., 2016. Southward trench migration at 130–120 Ma caused accretion of the Neo-Tethyan forearc lithosphere in Tibetan ophiolites[J]. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 438: 57-65.

54) Xiong Q, Griffin W.L., Zheng J.P., O’Reilly S.Y., Pearson N.J., 2015. Episodic refertilization and metasomatism of Archean mantle: evidence from an orogenic peridotite in North Qaidam (NE Tibet, China). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 1692(3), 45-58

55) Xiong Q., Henry H., Griffin W.L., Zheng J.P., 2017. High- and low-Cr chromitite and dunite in a Tibetan ophiolite: evolution from mature subduction system to incipient forearc in the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 172(6), 45-58

56) Ma Q., Zheng J.P., Xu Y.G., Griffin W.L., Zhang R.S., 2015. Are continental “adakites” derived from thickened or foundered lower crust?, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 419, 125-133.

57) Ma Q., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Zhang M., Tang H.Y., Su Y.P., Ping X.Q., 2012. Triassic “adakitic” rocks in an extensional setting (North China): Melts from the cratonic lower crust. Lithos,149, 159-173.

58) Ma Q., Xu Y.G., Zheng J.P., Sun M., Griffin W.L., Wei Y., Ma L., Yu X.L., 2016. High-Mg adakitic rocks and their complementary cumulates formed by crystal fractionation of hydrous mafic magmas in a continental crustal magma chamber, Lithos, 260, 211-224.

59) Ma Q., Xu Y.G., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Hong L.B., Ma L., 2016. Coexisting early cretaceous high-Mg andesites and adakitic rocks in the north China craton: the role of water in intraplate magmatism and cratonic destruction, Journal of Petrology, 57, 1279-1308.

60) Pan S.K., Zheng J.P, Griffin W.L., Chu L.L., Li Y.L., Ma Q., Wang D., 2014. Precambrian tectonic attribution and evolution of the Songliao terrane revealed by zircon xenocrysts from Cenozoic alkali basalts, Xilinhot region, NE China. Precambrian Res., 251, 33-48.

61) Pan S.K., Zheng J.P., Chu L.L., Griffin W.L., 2013. Coexistence of the moderately refractory and fertile mantle beneath the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Res., 23, 176-189.

62) Pan S.K., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L, Xu Y.X., Li X.Y., 2015. Nature and evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: constraints from. peridotite xenoliths in the central part of the Great Xing’an Range, NE China. Lithos 238, 52-63.

63) Ping X.Q., Zheng J.P, Zhao J.H., Tang H.Y., Griffin W.L., 2013. Heterogeneous sources of the Triassic granitoid plutons in the southern Qinling orogen: An E-W tectonic division in central China. Tectonics, 32, 396-416.

64) Ping X.Q., Zheng J.P., Tang H.Y., Ma Q., Griffin W.L., Xiong Q., Su Y.P., 2018. Hadean continental crust in the southern North China Craton: Evidence from the Xinyang felsic granulite xenoliths. Precambrian Research, 307, 155-174.

65) Ping X.Q., Zheng J.P., Tang H.Y., Xiong Q., Su Y.P., 2015. Paleoproterozoic multistage evolution of the lower crust beneath the southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 269, 162-182

66) Ping X.Q., Zheng J.P., Xiong Q., Zhang Z.H., Bing X., 2014. Zircon u-pb ages and hf isotope characteristics of the granitic plutons in bikou terrane, northwestern Yangtze block, and their geological significance. Journal of Jilin University, 44, 1200-1218 (in Chinese with English abstract).

67) Li Z.Y., Zheng J.P., Moskowitz B.M., Liu Q.S., Xiong Q., Yang J.S., Hu X.Y., 2017. Magnetic properties of serpentinized peridotites from the Dongbo ophiolite, SW Tibet: Implications for suture-zone magnetic anomalies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(7), 4814−4830.

68) Li Z.Y., Zheng J.P., Liu Q.S., Griffin W.L., Hu X.Y., 2015. Magnetically stratified continental lower crust preserved in the North China Craton. Tectonophysics, 643, 73−79.

69) Li Z.Y., Zheng J.P., Zeng Q.L., Liu Q.S., Griffin W.L., 2014. Magnetic mineralogy of pyroxenite xenoliths from Hannuoba basalts, northern North China Craton: Implications for magnetism in the continental lower crust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(2), 806−821.

70) Li X.Y., Zheng J.P., Xiong Q., Zhou X., Xiang L., 2018. Triassic rejuvenation of unexposed Archean-Paleoproterozoic deep crust beneath the western Cathaysia block, South China. Tectonophysics, 724–725, 65-79.

71) Li X.Y., Zheng J.P., Ma Q, Xiong Q., Griffin W.L., Lu J.G., 2014. From enriched to depleted mantle: Evidence from Cretaceous lamprophyres and Paleogene basaltic rocks in eastern and central Guangxi Province, western Cathaysia block of South China. Lithos, 184–187, 300-313.

72) Li X Y, Zheng J P, Sun M, Pan S.K., Wang W., Xia Q.K., 2014. The Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the interior of South China Block: Constraints from mantle xenoliths in Guangxi Province. Lithos, 210–211, 14-26.

73) Lu J.G., Zheng J.P., Griffin W. L., O'Reilly S. Y., Pearson N. J., 2015. Microscale effects of melt infiltration into the lithospheric mantle: Peridotite xenoliths from Xilong, South China. Lithos, 232, 111-123.

74) Lu J.G., Zheng J.P., Griffin W. L., Yu C.M., 2013, Petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from the Lianshan region: Nature and evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the lower Yangtze block. Gondwana Research, 23, 161-175.

75) Lu J.G., Xiong Q., Griffin W. L., Zheng J.P., Huang J.X., O'Reilly S. Y., Satsukawa T., Pearson N.J., 2017. Uplift of the southeastern Australian lithosphere: Thermal-tectonic evolution of garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from western Victoria. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 526, 27-48.

76) Chen M., Zheng J.P., Sun M., Zhao J.H., 2013. Mid-Neoproterozoic crustal evolution of the northeastern Yangtze Block: Evidence from the felsic-gneiss xenoliths hosted, in the Donghai Cenozoic basalts. Asian Earth Sci.,66, 108-122.

77) Wang D., Zheng J.P., Ma Q., Griffin W.L., Zhao H., Wong J., 2013. Early Paleozoic crustal anatexis in the intraplate Wuyi-Yunkai orogen,South China. Lithos, 175, 124-145.

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89) Zhao J.H., Zhou M.F., Zheng J.P., Griffin W.L., Neoproterozoic tonalite and trondhjemite in the Huangling complex, South China: Crustal growth and reworking in a continental arc environment, American Journal of Science, 313(2013), 540-583.

90) Wu Y.B., Gao S., Zhang H.F., Zheng J.P., Liu X.C., Wang H., Gong H.J., Zhou L., Yuan H.L., Petrogenesis of Neoarchean TTG rocks in the Yangtze Craton and its implication for the formation of Archean TTGs, Precambrian Research, 254(2014), 73-86.

  1. 主要研究项目如下:



3) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,41130315、华北下地壳增生再造过程研究、2012/1-2016/12、已结题、主持。

4) 国家自然科学基金华北克拉通破坏重大研究计划重点项目,91214204、华北下地壳岩石组成-物性综合及其精细结构研究、2013/1-2016/12、已结题、主持。

5) 国家地质调查局基础研究项目, 扬子地块北部大陆增生再造过程及其成矿背景研究, 2014.1-2016.12、已结题、主持。

6) 国家地质调查项目, 1212011120151(下属课题D1114)、华北克拉通深部古老陆壳物质研究、2011.1-2013.12、已结题、主持。

7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41072047、广西中东部基性火山岩捕获物揭示西华夏深部岩石圈、2011/1-2013/12、已结题、主持。

8) 国家自然科学基金华北克拉通破坏重大研究计划重点项目,90714002、不同时空背景橄榄岩地幔属性对比与克拉通破坏、2008/1- 2011/12、已结题、主持。

9) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,40673002、中国大陆科学钻先导孔橄榄岩地幔属性及动力学、2007/1-2009/12、已结题、主持。

10) 国家杰出青年科学基金项目,岩石学、2004/01-2007/12、已结题、主持。

11) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,40273001、新疆托云地区镁铁质麻粒岩包体成因及其壳幔循环意义、2003/1-2005/12、已结题、主持。

12) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,40072021、古生代镁铁质岩石捕虏体同位素与壳幔深部过程示踪、2001/1-2003/12、已结题、主持。