

姓 名:吴元保





email: yuanbaowu@cug.edu.cn
















1994/09–1997/07, 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学学院地球化学系,硕士;

1990/09–1994/07,太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉)地球化学系, 学士。



2007/08–2007/12,加拿大纪念大学(Memory University of Newfoundland),地球化学系,访问学者;





2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41273035,扬子板块西部古元古代早期岩浆事件的时间和性质,2013/01-2016/12。



5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,40772042,扬子板块崆岭高级变质地体古元古代构造热事件及其意义,2008/01-2010/12。





2. 国家重点研究发展规划(973)项目,2009CB825002,深俯冲地壳的化学变化与差异折返,2009/01-2013/12。

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目,90714010,华北克拉通破坏的火山岩示踪与沉积响应,2009/01-2012/12。

4. 自然科学基金委员会创新群体基金项目,40821061,大陆岩石圈深部再循环与华北克拉通及其邻区中新生代演化,2006/01-2011/12。


1. 2008年获第12届侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖;

2. 2010年获中国地质学会第12届青年地质科学奖银锤奖。



Zhengwei Qin,YuanbaoWu*, Wolfgang Siebel, Shan Gao, Hao Wang, Mohammed.I.M. Abdallsamed, Wenxiang Zhang, Saihong Yang. 2015. Genesis of adakitic granitoids by partial melting of thickened lower crust and its implications for early crustal growth: A case study from the Huichizi pluton, Qinling orogen, central China.Lithos,238:1-12(*通讯作者)

Yang, Jianzhou; Liu, Xiaochi;Yuanbao Wu*, 2015. Zircon Record of Ocean-Continent subduction transition process of Dulan UHPM Belt, North Qaidam.Journal of Earth Sciences. 26(5): 617-625

Guangyan Zhou,Yuanbao Wu*, Shan Gao, Jianzhou Yang, Jianping Zheng, Zhengwei Qin, Hao Wang, Saihong Yang, 2015. The 2.65 Ga A-type granite in the northeastern Yangtze craton: Petrogenesis and geological implications.Precambrian Research. 258:247-259.


Wu, Y.B.,Zhou, G.Y., Gao, S., Liu, X.C., Qin, Z.W., Wang, H., Yang, J.Z., Yang, S.H., 2014. Petrogenesis of Neoarchean TTG rocks in the Yangtze Craton and its implication for the formation of Archean TTGs.Precambrian Research254, 73-86.

Liu, X.C.,Wu, Y.B*, Gao S., Wang, H., Zheng, J.P., Hu, Z.C., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2014. Record of multiple stage channelized fluid and melt activities in deeply subducted slab from zircon U–Pb age and Hf–O isotope compositions.Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta144, 1-24.

Wu, Y.B., Wang, H., Gao, S., Hu, Z.C., Liu, X.C., Gong, H.J., 2014. LA–ICP–MS monazite U–Pb age and trace element constraints on the granulite-facies metamorphism in the Tongbai orogen, centralChina.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences82, 90-102.

Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B*, Gao, S., Zheng, J.P., Liu, Q., Liu, X.C., Qin, Z.W., Yang, S.H., Gong, H.J., 2014.Deep subduction of continental crust in accretionary orogen: Evidence from U-Pb dating on diamond-bearing zircons from the Qinling orogen, central China.Lithos190–191, 420-429.

Liu, Q.,Wu, Y.B.*, Wang, H., Gao, S., Qin, Z.W., Liu, X.C., Yang, S.H., Gong, H.J., 2014.Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions of migmatites from the North Qinling terrane and their geological implications.Journal of Metamorphic Geology32, 177–193.

Qin, Z.W,Wu, Y.B.*, Wang H., Gao, S., Zhu, L.Q., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2014. Geochronology, geochemistry, and isotope compositions of Piaochi S-type granitic intrusion in the Qinling orogen, central China: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance.Lithos202-203, 347–362.

Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B.*, Li, C.R., Zhao, T.Y., Qin, Z.W., Zhu, L.Q., Gao, S., Zheng, J.P., Liu, X.M., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y., Yang, S.H., 2014.Recycling of sediment into the mantle source of K‑rich mafic rocks: Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotopic evidence from the Fushui complex in the Qinling orogen.Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology168, 1062, 1-19.


Wu, Y.B., Zheng, Y.F., 2013. Tectonic evolution of a composite collision orogen: an overview on the Qinling–Tongbai–Hongan–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt in central China.Gondwana Research23, 1402–1428.

Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B.*, Gao, S., Liu, X.C., Liu, Q., Qin, Z.W., Xie, S.W., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2013a. Continental origin of eclogites in the North Qinling terrane and its tectonic implications.Precambrian Research230, 13–30.

Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B.*, Qin, Z.W., Zhu, L.Q., Liu, Q., Liu, X.C., Gao, S., Wijbrans, J.R., Zhou, L.,Gong, H.J., Yuan, H.L., 2013a. Age and geochemistry of Silurian gabbroic rocks in the Tongbai orogen, central China: implications for the geodynamic evolution of the North Qinling arc–back-arc system.Lithos179, 1–15.


Liu, X.C.,Wu, Y.B.*, Gao, S., Peng, M., Wang, J., Wang, H., Gong, H.J., Yuan, H.L., 2012. Triassic high-pressure metamorphism in the Huwan shear zone: Tracking the initial subduction of continental crust in the whole Dabie orogen.Lithos136-139, 60-72.

Xie, S.W.,Wu, Y.B.*, Zhang, Z.M., Qin, Y.C., Liu, X.C., Wang, H., Qin, Z.W., Liu, Q., Yang, S.H., 2012. U-Pb ages and trace elements of detrital zircons from Early Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Jiaolai Basin, north margin of the Sulu UHP terrane: Provenances and tectonic implications.Lithos, 154, 346-360.

Liu, X. C.,Wu, Y. B.*, Gao, S., Liu, Q., Wang, H., Li, Q. L., Li, X. H., Qin, Z. W., and Gong, H. J., 2012, First recording and timing of UHP metamorphism from zircon in the Xitieshan terrane and their implications for the evolution of the whole North Qaidam metamorphic belt.American Mineralogist97, 1083-1093.

Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Zhang, H.F., Zheng, J.P., Liu, X.C., Wang, H., Gong, H.J., Zhou, L., Yuan, H.L., 2012. Geochemistry and zircon U–Pb geochronology of Paleoproterozoic arc related granitoid in the Northwestern Yangtze Block and its geological implications.Precambrian Research200–203, 26–37.

Peng, M.,Wu, Y.B.*, Gao, S., Zhang, H.F., Wang, J., Liu, X.C., Gong, H.J., Zhou, L., Hu, Z.C., Liu, Y.S., Yuan, H.L., 2012. Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotope compositions of Paleoproterozoic aluminous A-type granites from the Kongling terrain, Yangtze Block: constraints on petrogenesis and geologic implications.Gondwana Research22, 140–151.

Shiwen Xie,Yuanbao Wu*, Shan Gao, Xiaochi Liu, Lian Zhou, Laishi Zhao, Zhaochu Hu, 2012. Sr–Nd isotopic and geochemical constraints on provenance of late Paleozoic to early cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Western Hills of Beijing, North China: Implications for the uplift of the northern North China Craton.Sedimentary Geology. 245–246: 17-28


Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Liu, X.C., Wang, J., Peng, M., Gong, H.J., Yuan, H.L., 2011. Two-stage Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Rocks from the Western Dabie Orogen, central China.The Journal of Geology. 119: 15–31.

Liu X.C.,Wu Y.B.*, Gao S., Wang J., Peng M., Gong H.J., Liu Y.S., Yuan H.L. 2011. Zircon U–Pb and Hf evidence for coupled subduction of oceanic and continental crust during the Carboniferous in the Huwan shear zone, western Dabie orogen, central China.Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 29, 233–249.

Wang H.,Wu Y.B.*, Gao S., Zhang H.F., Liu X.C., Gong H.J., Peng M., Wang J., Yuan H.L., 2011. Silurian granulite-facies metamorphism, and coeval magmatism and crustal growth in the Tongbai orogen, central China.Lithos. 125:249-271

Wang H.,Wu Y.B.*, Gao S., Liu X.C., Gong H.J., Li Q.L., Li X.H., Yuan H.L. 2011. Eclogite origin and timings in the North Qinling terrane, and their bearing on the amalgamation of the South and North China Blocks.Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 29, 1019–1031.