姓 名:曹凯
ResearcherID: C-6018-2008
Citation: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-
2014.01-至今 副教授,太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉),ok138太阳集团中国官方网站
2013.07-2013.12 讲师,太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉),ok138太阳集团中国官方网站
2011.07-2013.06 博士后,太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉),资源学院
2011.06 获太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉)博士学位
2009.11-2010.05 国家公派留学联合培养博士研究生,留学法国Université Joseph Fourier
2008.06 提前攻读博士学位,太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉)ok138太阳集团中国官方网站
2006.07-2008.05 硕士研究生,太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉)ok138太阳集团中国官方网站
2006.06 获太阳集团网址首页登录(武汉)理学学士学位
2015-2017 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-摇篮计划,滇西剑川—兰坪盆地新生代演化的沉积物源和构造年代学约束(编号:G1323521545),主持;
2013-2015 国家自然科学基金—青年科学基金项目,晚新生代东帕米尔穹窿剥露的构造热年代学和三维数值模拟研究(编号:41202144),主持;
2014-2015 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助新青年基金项目,西昆仑造山带新生代隆升剥露过程的碎屑锆石双定年研究(编号:CUGL140801),主持;
2011-2015 中国地质调查局综合研究项目,青藏高原新近纪隆升过程与地质事件群研究(编号:1212011121261),骨干参与;
2013-2014 中国博士后基金,东帕米尔高原面形成的地貌学和热年代学研究(编号:2013M531758),主持;
2006-2010 中国地质调查局综合研究项目,青藏高原新生代地质作用过程与第四纪环境演变综合研究(编号:1212010610103),骨干参与;
滇西2012, 2014, 2015;
藏东2006, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016;
帕米尔和西昆仑2007, 2009, 2013;
东天山2012, 2014, 2015;
塔里木盆地2007, 2011;
Prof. Peter van der Beek, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Dr. Matthias Bernet, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Prof. Anne Replumaz, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Prof. Philippe Hervé Leloup, Université Claude Bernard, France
Dr. Eva Enkelmann, University of Cincinnati, USA
Dr. Paul OSullivan, GeoSep Services, USA
Prof. Paul Kapp, University of Arizona, USA
美国自然科学基金NSF EAR Tectonics Program
Tectonophysics, Journal of the Geological Society,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Journal of Earth Science, 地球科学
Cao, K., Replumaz A., Wang G. C., O’Sullivan P. B., Zhang K. X., in preparation. Linking Late Miocene rapid exhumation and volcanism of the Pamir-West Kunlun Mountains to lithospheric thinning. Geology.
Cao, K., Wang G. C., Leloup P.H., Mahéo G., Replumaz A., van der Beek P., Xu Y. D., Zhang K. X., in preparation. Early Miocene relief production of southeastern Tibet in response to large-scale block extrusion. Geology.
Cao, K., Xu Y. D., Wang G. C., Leloup P.H., Zhang K. X., Liu W., Gourbet, in preparation. Development of Tertiary syntectonic Jianchuan basin, western Yunnan: implications for Early Cenozoic orogenic processes of southeastern Tibet. GSA Bulletin.
Gourbet Loraine, Philippe Hervé Leloup, Jean-Louis Paquette, Philippe Sorrel, Gweltaz Maheo, Guo Can Wang, Xu Yadong,Kai Cao, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Inès Eymard, Wei Liu, Haijian Lu, Anne Replumaz, Marie-Luce Chevalier, Kexin Zhang, Wu Jing, Tianyi Shen, in revision. Reappraisal of the Jianchuan (SE Tibet) Cenozoic basin stratigraphy and structural implications. Tectonophysics.
Philippe Sorrel, Inès Eymard, Philippe Hervé Leloup, Gweltaz Maheo, Nicolas Olivier, Mary Sterb, Loraine Gourbet, Guo Can Wang, Jing Wu, Haijian Lu, Haibing Li, Yadong Xu, Kexin Zhang,Kai Cao, Marie-Luce Chevalier, Anne Replumaz, in review. Transient climatic disruptions preceding the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in monsoonal continental Asia, southeastern Tibet. Geology.
Wang, A., Min Kyoungwon K., Wang G. C., Garver J., Foster D., Zhang K. X., Xiang S. Y.,Cao K., Liu Y.Y., in review. Continued Late-Neogene Sustaining Ramp Thrusting of the Greater Himalaya Sequence in Nyalam Central Himalaya: Low-T Thermochronology and Thermo-kinematic Modeling. JAES.
Shen, T. Y., Leloup P. H., van der Beek P., Bernet M.,Cao K., Wang A., Liu C., Zhang K. X., 2016. Controls on Cenozoic exhumation of the Tethyan Himalaya, from fission-track thermochronology and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology in the Gyirong basin area, southern Tibet. Tectonics, .
Cao, K., Wang G. C., Bernet M., van der Beek P., Zhang K. X., 2015. Exhumation history of the West Kunlun Mountains, northwestern Tibet: evidence for a long-lived, rejuvenated orogeny. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 432: 391-403, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.10.033.
Wang, C. W., Hong H.L., Abels H. A., Li Z. H.,Cao K., Yin K., Song B. W., Xu Y. D., Ji J. L., Zhang K. X., 2015. Early middle Miocene tectonic uplift of the northwestern part of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau evidenced by geochemical and mineralogical records in the western Tarim Basin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 1-77, doi: 10.1007/s00531-015-1212-0.
Cao, K., Xu Y. D., Wang G. C., Zhang K. X., van der Beek P., Wang C. W., Jiang S. S., Bershaw, J., 2014. Neogene source-to-sink relations between the Pamir and Tarim Basin: insights from stratigraphy, detrital zircon geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry.The Journal of Geology, 122: 433-454, doi: 10.1086/676478.
Wang, G.C.,Cao, K., Wang A., Shen T. Y., Zhang K. X., Wang L. Q., 2014. On the geodynamic mechanism of episodic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic era.Acta Geologica Sinica, 88(2): 699-716.
Cao, K., G. Wang, P. van der Beek, M. Bernet, K. Zhang, 2013. Cenozoic thermo-kinematic evolution of the northeastern Pamir revealed by zircon and apatite fission-track thermochronology.Tectonophysics, 589: 17-32, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.038.
Cao, K., M. Bernet, G. Wang, P. van der Beek, A. Wang, K. Zhang, E. Enkelmann, 2013. Focused Pliocene–Quaternary exhumation of the Eastern Pamir domes, western China.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 363: 16-26, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.12.023.
Zhang, K., Wang, G., Xu, Y., Luo, M., Ji, J., Xiao, G., Wang, A., Song, B., Liang, Y., Jiang, S.,Cao, K., Chen, F., Chen, R., Yang, Y., 2013. Sedimentary evolution of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in Cenozoic and its response to the uplift of the plateau,Acta Geologica Sinica, 87, 555-575, doi: 10.1111/1755-6724.12068.
黄文星, 王国灿, 王岸,曹凯, 2013. 雅鲁藏布江大拐弯地区河流形态特征及其意义. 地质通报. 32(01): 130-140.
张克信, 王国灿, 洪汉烈, 徐亚东, 王岸,曹凯, 骆满生, 季军良, 肖国桥, 林晓, 2013. 青藏高原新生代隆升研究现状. 地质通报. 32(01): 1-18.
曹凯, 王国灿和P. van der Beek, 2011. 热年代学年龄温度法和年龄高程法的应用条件: 对采样策略及年龄表达的启示. 地学前缘, 18(6), 347-357.
Wang, G. C.,K. Cao, K. X. Zhang, A. Wang, C. Liu, Y. N. Meng and Y. D. Xu, 2011. Spatio-temporal framework of tectonic uplift stages of the Tibetan Plateau in the Cenozoic.SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 54(1): 29-44.
王国灿, 张克信,曹凯, 王岸和孟艳宁, 2010. 从青藏高原新生代构造隆升的时空差异性. 地球科学—太阳集团网址首页登录学报, 35(5): 713-727.
刘函, 王国灿,曹凯, 孟艳宁, 王岸和张克信,2010. 西昆仑及邻区区域构造演化的碎屑锆石裂变径迹年龄纪录. 地学前缘, 17(3): 64-78.
曹凯, 王国灿, 刘超和孟艳宁, 2009. 西昆仑及邻区新生代差异隆升的热年代学证据. 地球科学—太阳集团网址首页登录学报, 34(06): 1-12.
孟艳宁, 王国灿, 王岸和曹凯, 2008. 青藏高原腹地羌塘地体中新生代地层褶皱收缩量研究及其意义. 大地构造与成矿学, 32(4): 401-410.
Zhang, K. X., G. C. Wang,K. Cao, C. Liu, S. Y. Xiang, H. L. Hong, X. H. Kou, Y. D. Xu, F. N. Chen, Y. N. Meng and R. M. Chen, 2008. Cenozoic sedimentary records and geochronological constraints of differential uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 51(11): 1658-1672.
曹凯, 王国灿和王岸, 2007.东昆仑山昆仑河纵剖面形貌分析及构造涵义.地球科学—太阳集团网址首页登录学报, 32(5): 713-721.
王国灿, 张克信, 向树元, 王岸,曹凯等, 待出版. 青藏高原及邻区新生代地质图及说明书(1:1 500 000),地质出版社.
张克信, 王国灿, 向树元, 洪汉烈, 骆满生, 王岸, 季军良, 肖国桥,曹凯, 徐亚东等, 待出版. 青藏高原新生代地质作用过程与第四纪环境演变综合研究报告, 地质出版社.
曹凯, 徐亚东, 王国灿, 张克信, Leloup P.H., Loraine Gourbet, 刘威, 2016. 滇西第三纪剑川盆地的形成及对新生代早期青藏高原东南部动力学过程的启示. 2016年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 26专题, 北京。(摘要和邀请报告)
曹凯, 王国灿, 张克信, 徐亚东, 王岸, Matthias Bernet, Peter van der Beek, 2016. 青藏高原西北部中新生代造山过程和地貌演化. 2016年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 27专题, 北京。(摘要和邀请报告)
曹凯, 王国灿, Matthias Bernet, Peter van der Beek, 张克信, 2016.碎屑锆石U-Pb / FT双定年在物源分析和定量造山带演化中的应用:以西昆仑为例. 2016年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 64专题, 北京。(摘要和邀请报告)
Cao, K., Guocan Wang, Zhongcheng Zeng, Anne Replumaz, 2016. Linking Late Miocene magmatism and exhumation of the Pamir-West Kunlun Mountains to lithospheric thinning. The 15th International Conference on Thermochronology, Maresias, Brazil, 123.(摘要和展板)
Cao, K., 2016. What controls early Miocene relief production of southeastern Tibet? Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-5196-1, EGU General Assembly 2016.(摘要)
曹凯, 王国灿, Leloup P.H., Macheo G., 2015. 磷灰石裂变径迹记录的岩体冷却、地表侵蚀和构造剥露过程:以滇西剑川盆地为例. 2015年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 62专题, 2864。(摘要和口头报告)
曹凯, 王国灿, Leloup P.H., Macheo G., 2015. 青藏高原东南部构造控制的早中新世地表抬升和水系重组:来自构造热年代学的证据. 2015年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 34专题, 1056。(摘要和口头报告)
Cao, K., Wang G. C., Bernet M., van der Beek P., Zhang K. X., 2014. Exhumation and magmatic history of the West Kunlun Mountains, northern Tibet: evidence for a long-lived, rejuvenated orogeny. The 14th International Conference on Thermochronology, Chamonix, France.(摘要和展板)
Cao, K., Xu Y. D., Wang G. C., Zhang K. X., van der Beek P., Jiao Y. Q., Wang C. W., Jiang S. S., Bershaw, J., 2013. Neogene source-to-sink relations between the Pamir and Tarim Basin: insights from stratigraphy, detrital zircon geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry. AGU Fall Meeting, CA, USA, T31B-2503. (摘要和展板)
Cao, K., P. van der Beek, G. Wang, M. Bernet, A. Wang, K. Zhang and E. Enkelmann, 2012. Episodically focused exhumation of the Eastern Pamir domes, western China. The 13th International Conference on Thermochronology, Guilin China.(摘要和口头报告)
曹凯, 王国灿, M. Bernet, P. van der Beek和张克信, 2012. 东帕米尔公格尔山和慕士塔格峰晚新生代集中冷却剥露的碎屑锆石裂变径迹热年代学证据. 第五届全国构造会议学术论文摘要集, 武汉。(摘要和口头报告)
Cao, K., G. C. Wang, P. Van der Beek, K. X. Zhang and A. Wang, 2009. Extremely young uplift of the mountain chains in the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau: Chakragil, Kongur Shan and Muztagata. The 5th International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau and the 24th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop Joint Conference, Beijing China, PS-1.14, 243-244.(摘要和展板)
曹凯, 王国灿, 和王岸, 2009。青藏高原西北缘新生代快速冷却剥露过程的锆石裂变径迹证据. 青藏高原地质学术讨论会摘要集, 成都, 4-5。(摘要)
曹凯, 王国灿, 刘超和孟艳宁, 2008. 西昆仑及邻区新生代差异隆升的热年代学证据. 第四届全国构造会议学术论文摘要集, 北京, 72-73。(摘要和口头报告)